
Paccheri N°111



360 g Rummo Paccheri N°111
200 g cherry tomatoes
500 g squid
Amalfi Coast lemons
Parsley to taste
Extra virgin olive oil, as needed
Garlic, to taste
Salt, to taste


Clean the squid by cutting the head in half lengthwise. (It will curl up during cooking; avoid rings.) Cut the tentacle tufts in half, eliminating the beak. Cut the cherry tomatoes into 4 and brown them in a pan with a little oil, garlic (which you remove once its flavor has infused the oil) and a pinch of salt, letting them sweat and cook completely. Blanch the baby squid in the sautéed mixture for just two minutes. Cook the Paccheri in boiling, salted water and then sauté them in the sauce to blend the flavors, and refresh with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, chopped parsley and grated lemon peel.

Paccheri N°111



400 g of Rummo Paccheri N°111
320 g of cherry tomatoes
200 g of arugula
320 g of red shrimps
200 g of Parmesan cheese
2 garlic cloves
Extra virgin olive oil, as needed
Salt, to taste


In a pot, blanch the cherry tomatoes in boiling salted water for 30 seconds, peel them and cut them in half. In another pan, brown two cloves of garlic, adding 100 g of extra virgin olive oil and sauté the cherry tomatoes for another 30 seconds. Turn off the flame and set aside. Next, wash and dry the arugula, shell the shrimp and prepare the parmesan cheese, half grated and half flaked. Set all ingredients aside. In another pot cook the pasta in abundant salted, boiling water. Drain the pasta and pour it into the pan with the cherry tomatoes and sauté the pasta, adding first the arugula, keeping a few leaves aside for garnishing. Add the grated Parmesan and finally, with the heat off, the shrimp. Serve, sprinkling the dish with the parmesan shavings and the reserved arugula leaves.