
Penne Lisce No. 59



250 g Rummo Penne Lisce nº 59
450 g fresh tuna
1,5 kg onions
1 celery branch
1 large, or 2 small carrots
Bay leaf and basil, to taste


Peel and thinly slice the onion; finely dice the celery and carrot; then cut the tuna into uniform, 1-cm (roughly half-inch) cubes. In a deep pan or stove-top casserole (preferably cast iron or otherwise adapted to slow cooking), heat abundant extra-virgin olive oil and add the chopped celery and carrot, and sauté so they begin to soften. Add the sliced onion, and toss over the heat for a few minutes, blending the flavors, without letting it burn. Cover and lower the flame until onion begins to sweat and turn clear. Add the tuna and mix. Toss in the bay leaf, cover and cook for 3 hours, turning every 30 minutes. When done cooking, remove the bay leaf, salt to taste and mix again. In abundant salted, boiling water, cook the Penne Lisce. While they cook, transfer the Genovese sauce to a sauté pan. When the pasta is cooked “al dente,” drain it directly into the sauté pan with a slotted spoon, leaving the cooking water. Sauté and toss, blending and allowing the pasta to absorb the sauce’s flavor, adding spoonfuls of the pasta cooking water to complete the cooking of the pasta and to regulate the density of the sauce. Remove from heat and stir in fresh basil. Plate, adding a grating of black pepper and fresh basil leaves as garnish. Your dish is served!

Penne Lisce N°59



360 g Rummo Penne Lisce N°59
4 medium zucchini
1 garlic clove
45 ml extra virgin olive oil
Parmesan, for grating


Slice the zucchini into thin rounds. Crush the garlic and remove skin. Sauté the garlic in the olive oil. Add the zucchini rounds and sauté a few minutes more. Bring water to a boil in an ample pot, add salt. Cook the Penne Lisce for 10 minutes. Drain and toss into the sauté pan with the zucchini. (Add a cup of the water from the pasta if you wish.) Sprinkle with grated parmesan and serve.